Museu do Oriente

A compelling reference both for Lisbon and Portugal and a European milestone bearing witness to long lasting relationship between Portugal - the first country to reach the East - and the peoples of Asia.

The heritage that forms the core of the permanent Museu do Oriente exhibition is fundamentally divided up into two main collections: The 1st collection, alluding to the Portuguese presence in Asia includes over a thousand artistic and documental pieces, some with exceptional value such as the range of 17th and 18th century Chinese and Japanese folding screens, various examples of highly rare Namban art, a Company of Indies porcelain collection or the significant collection dealing with the cultures of the peoples of Timor. The second collection, the Kwok On Collection with over 13,000 pieces related to the performing arts of a geographic area extending from Turkey right across to Japan. A special highlight is the nucleus of pieces related to the rituals of Hinduism, Bhudism, and even to animist religions or xamanic cults. An important collection of masks from all around Asia, and shadow and puppet theatres from India, China and Indonesia, must also be emphasized.

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