Museen & Monumente

Monastery of Batalha

UNESCO’s World Heritage | The Monastery of Santa Maria da Vitória (Monastery of Batalha), was built after a vow made by King João I to thank the Virgin Mary for Portugal’s victory over Spain in the battle of Aljubarrota.


The Monastery of Santa Maria da Vitória (Monastery of Batalha), was built after a vow made by King João I to thank the Virgin Mary for Portugal’s victory over Spain in the battle of Aljubarrota.

It is one of Europe’s most beautiful monastery complexes from the late Middle Ages.

Building work began in 1386, under the supervision of Master Afonso Domingues.

On completion the monastery was handed over to the Dominican Order.

It subsequently served as a pantheon for the Aviz dynasty and building work was only finally completed in 1517.

As an important testament to late Gothic and Manueline architectural styles, it is graced by a remarkable set of mediaeval stainedglass windows. 

The monastery has been on UNESCO’s World Heritage List since 1983.


Largo Infante D. Henrique, Batalha, 2440-109

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Oktober bis März
Von 09.00 bis 18.00 Uhr. (letzter Einlass um 17.30 Uhr)

April bis Oktober
Von 09.00 bis 18.30 Uhr. (letzter Einlass 18.00 Uhr)

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Familie - 50%

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