Museen & Monumente

MAC/CCB Museum of Contemporary Art and Architecture Centre

MAC/CCB defines itself as the great museum of modern and contemporary art in Portugal. Here, the visitor can enjoy works by artists from the most diverse cultural contexts and varied expressions.

Mitglied von Turismo Lisboa
20% mit Lisboa Card


The Centro Cultural de Belém Foundation hosts the MAC/CCB Museum of Contemporary Art and Architecture Centre.

The Museum receives in deposit works from the State Contemporary Art Collection (CACE), the Teixeira de Freitas Collection, the Holma/Ellipse Collection, and the Berardo Collection.

The new MAC/CCB affirms the mission of the Centro Cultural de Belém, enhancing the dialogue between visual arts, architecture, and performing arts with the presentation of temporary exhibitions by contemporary artists.

A varied programme covering educational activities, conferences and guided tours is also available to everyone visiting the museum.


Centro Cultural de Belém - Praça do Império, 1449-003 , Lisboa

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Heute: 10:00 - 18:30


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