Journées Européennes du Patrimoine

[ Septembre ] Les Journées Européennes du Patrimoine, constituent l’événement culturel le plus concouru et le plus partagé par les citoyens européens.

Le thème des Journées européennes du patrimoine de cette année est le Patrimoine Sustainable.

Près de 30 millions de personnes participent chaque année aux activités organisées dans plus de 50 000 lieux différents.

Une manière de mettre en valeur l’importance du patrimoine culturel ainsi que la diversité et la richesse de la mosaïque culturelle européenne avec l'objectif d'attirer l’attention sur l’importance des relations entre les personnes, les communautés, les lieux et leur histoire.

Septembre, dans différents endroits.



[ English ]

European Heritage Days 2022

The European Heritage Days 2022 will take place on the 23rd, 24th and 25th of September, this year under the theme Sustainable Heritage.

This theme invites you to explore what measures can be used to protect the rich and diverse cultural heritage in the context of climate change and the environmental theme in the cultural environment. The focus will be on the active role of communities and heritage in the process of building a more sustainable and resilient future.

Joint initiative of Europe and the European Heritage Commission (JEP) are Europe's largest cultural event known and shared by citizens, EHD's are also an opportunity to celebrate the diverse cultural heritage of Europe's cities, regions and people. Each year a theme is defined for EHD's, which participating countries are encouraged to adopt in their program of initiatives.

More than 70,000 events are organized each year with the common aim of raising awareness of Europe's heritage and the need for its ongoing protection, by creating experiences that promote inclusion and foster creativity and innovation.

The basic idea of ​​the initiative is to promote access to heritage, inviting active participation in the discovery of a cultural heritage, implying the involvement of European citizens with cultural heritage. The main objects are collective memory, cultural values, identity of a common heritage whose richness lies in its diversity.

Hundreds of initiatives across the country await you

See the Program at:


European Heritage Days
various locations in across the city.
Tickets: vary depending on activity and location. 
