
Miguel Araújo – Dança de um dia de verão


Closing Act of Festas de Lisboa | At the Festas de Lisboa’s closing act, the musician, singer, composer and lyricist Miguel Araújo willl be with his band and joined by Bárbara Tinoco, Os Quatro e Meia and Tatanka.

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Musician, singer, composer and lyricist Miguel Araújo is the man behind some of the most recent hits in Portuguese music, such as Anda comigo ver os aviões and Quem és tu miúda.

On stage, he alternates between performing solo and accompanied by his band.

At the Festas de Lisboa’s closing act, he’ll be with his band and joined by Bárbara Tinoco, Os Quatro e Meia and Tatanka.

We’ll be saying “See you next year” to the Festas de Lisboa with our eyes looking out over the Tagus and our ears tuned in to what’s happening on stage, singing and dancing as nobody can see us.


Over 6 years old, 70 minutes


Fêtes de Lisbonne


Jardins da Torre de Belém

Av. Brasília, 1400-038, Lisboa

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