
ADBP - Associação de Dinamização da Baixa Pombalina

This association emerged from a group of merchants with long traditions in downtown Lisbon, the group for the Dynamization of Baixa Commerce was born, which, since 1993, has been promoting commerce in the city's downtown.

Membre de Lisbonne Turismo


In 1993, a group of traders with long traditions in downtown Lisbon set up the Grupo de Dinamização do Comércio da Baixa (Baixa Trade Dynamisation Group).

Existing cyclically to promote downtown commerce, the businessmen soon realised the need to hold various initiatives and events to attract consumers to this shopping area.

Since associationism is a phenomenon of combining interests with long traditions in our country, generating synergies that induce the capacity to respond to external threats, the pre-Associação de Dinamização da Baixa Pombalina was born.

There have been advances and setbacks during this process. However, imbued with the conviction of the common interest that the creation of the future association represented, the Installation Committee held a Founders' General Assembly on 28 November 1996, attended by 300 traders.

Traders were informed of the objectives, strategies and campaigns that were to be developed until the end of the 20th century.

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