
Sub_Bar - a playground for sub frequencies and haptic art | 26 and 27 of May | 19h00 - 00h00 [ Utero, Lisbon, Portugal]

Cith Sub_Bar, Eufonia launches a pioneering series of events exploring music, subfrequencies and the haptic sense.

Our sense of "touch", ignored by compositional practices, is home to our deepest memories and most instinctive reactions, talking a language of pain and pleasure, traumas and comfort, summer and winter.

What happens when we stimulate it with music? We invited hearing, hearing impaired, and deaf artists to create original works using only subfrequencies, more specifically, frequencies between 30hz and 150hz: their compositions will be played through a powerful subwoofer system, transforming UTERO into a musical pressure room, for a unique listening experience that activates the whole body.

Electronic music heavyweight, Byetone, founder of the renowned label Raster Noton, Deaf Rave mastermind dj Troi Lee, and subfrequencies expert Stefanie Egedy, alongside other international diverse artists coming from sound and silence are responsible for composing these unique Sub Works. We also teamed up with Zabra, one of Lisbon’s most innovative and visionary art platforms, and invited the talented, always surprising Carincur and Joao Pedro Fonseca to create an original performative installation.

These shows will be supported by a live performance from Cigarra, a musical reference in the local music scene and a multifaceted artist, composer and dj, and by “Blink Time”, a performance about time, mass and communication by Sub_Bar resident and Eufonia founder Atelier Francesco. We'll also host one reactive installation from Julia Karnas, transforming hand movement into vibrations, and one haptic artwork from Lisbon's rising eclectic creative maysa,, taking haptic art one step further.

But Sub_Bar is not only art: it's also research and education. We'll host a workshop on how to create music using subfrequencies, and three talks coming from prof. Antonio Duarte, M. Psych. PhD, professor of Psychology at Ulisboa specializing in the psychology of art; Kornelia Bloch, a multisensory researcher at SWPS University in Warsaw, and Tony Weaver, deaf actor and director behind European projects such as "Beyond Signs". All the talks at Sub_Bar are translated into Portuguese sign language - and vice versa.

Sub_Bar is a vision dedicated to sub-frequencies, a space that invites everyone to meet, interact and experience music in an innovative, inclusive, and immersive way.


Initiative: Eufonia
Location: Utero, Lisboa [PT]
Date: 26 and 27 of May from 19h00 - 00h00

50x Pre-Sale Tickets Thu 26th: 3 euros (at the door: 5 euros)
50x Pre-Sale Tickets Fri 27th: 5 euros (at the door: 7 euros)


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  • ÚteroRua da Bempostinha, 641150-099Lisboa
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