Appartamenti e Hotel Appartamenti


Garvetur provides its clients with turnkey and general consulting services spanning the entire real estate investment cycle.

Membro di Lisbona Turismo


Having amassed extensive experience marketing residential properties, tourist resorts, plots of land and business properties, we work alongside several corporate groups operating both within Portugal and internationally and a network of agents specialising in the residential and tourism sectors.

Our client portfolio includes highly prestigious groups with real estate operations in the Algarve, Lisbon and Porto, along with many other real estate developers and hotel chains, public entities, financial institutions, investment funds, liberal professionals, and both Portuguese and foreign individual, corporate and institutional buyers.


Edifício Panoramic, Av. D. João II Lote 1.19.2, 12º piso, nº 12.08 , Parque das Nações, 1990-019, Lisboa

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