

Tours | At Vanellus we go further, looking for places, stories, landscapes, characters and things that truly constitute our identity and our culture.

Membro di Lisbona Turismo


At Vanellus we believe that the natural and cultural heritage has multiple strands and, in that sense, our proposals are true discovery experiences.

We flee from the obvious and from what is widely known and publicized. We go further, looking for places, stories, landscapes, characters and things that truly constitute our identity and our culture, shaped over the centuries by a multitude of diverse people who crossed our territory, leaving their marks and influences.


Our Team

At Vanellus we are a small multifaceted team, our origins, backgrounds and interests are varied, but we have been working as a team for a long time. We have already travelled almost everywhere in Portugal and established lasting local partnerships with people, companies and institutions. What moves us is the passion of discover and share of our heritage; we see our customers as partners in this journey.


Rua Marcelino Mesquita, 11, Loja 4 Escritório 1, 2795-134, Linda-a-velha

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