Cycle “Women painters in the Ibero-American World” 2021-2022

This Cycle aims to highlight Painters who were especially active in the Ibero-American World and who, from the late Renaissance to our days, contributed to put an end to a series of stereotypes in the world of the arts.

[  2021-06-17 - 2022-03-03  ]

Until the beginning of the 20th century, women were still expected to have a delicate and sentimental art, involved with the intimate sphere of the home.

Female artistic work was considered amateur, even more so in the Ibero-American space where the predominantly Catholic culture contributed to the expectation of women only the role of mother and wife.

In the artistic field, the barriers that confined women to an 'art in the privacy of the home' were only effectively broken as of the second half of the 20th century, but in terms of criticism, a paternalistic and discriminatory attitude still remained.

This Cycle aims to highlight Painters who were especially active in the Ibero-American World and who, over the centuries, from the late Renaissance to our days, contributed to reduce gender bias and put an end to a series of stereotypes in the world of the arts.


Monthly - 8 Sessions
Each session will start at 5 pm and last 1 (one) hour: 5 minutes of presentation; 45 minutes to the Lecture and 10 minutes to answer questions from the public.



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  • Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea - Museu do ChiadoRua Serpa Pinto 4 - Rua Capelo 131200-444Lisboa
  • À partir 17 juin, 2021 jusqu’à 03 mar., 2022
  • Libre