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Nous avons trouvé 45 résultats.


Museu Banksy Lisbon


The Museu Banksy Lisbon arrives in Lisbon bringing Banksy’s satirical and subversive street art.

À partir €8 jusqu’à €12

Painting in Motion


The first immersive exhibition in Portugal dedicated to the work of the artist Vieira da Silva, a unique and innovative sensory experience that combines the work of art with moving image and sound.


Archive of Helena Almeida


Photographs of artworks and exhibitions, press cuttings and reviews from 1967 to 2018, and correspondence with entities, institutions and gallery owners are some of the documents from Helena Almeida’s archive.

Entrée gratuite

Japon : Fêtes et Traditions 


L’exposition Japon : Fêtes et Traditions propose un voyage immersif dans ces festivités.

À partir €8

Black Ancient Futures


Black Ancient Futures brings together 11 artists from the African diaspora, who employ different languages to propose a wide range of alternative narratives and landscapes that contest the dominant panorama of the contemporary arts.

À partir €11

Ligne de Marée. CAM’s Collection


En parallèle de la Saison de l’Art Contemporain Japonais, l’exposition Ligne de Marée présente 80 œuvres autour de grandes installations contemporaines.




Designed by French-Portuguese artist and architect Didier Fiúza Faustino, H BOX is a portable screening room that travels around the world in museums, biennials and festivals. It arrives now at CAM, creating a new space dedicated to videoart.

Entrée gratuite

La Science de Pixar


Grâce à cette exposition, petits et grands pourront entrer dans le monde enchanté des studios Pixar.

À partir €9 jusqu’à €14

Hestnes Ferreira – Form | Matter | Light


It presents a reading of the work of architect Raúl Hestnes Ferreira (1931–2018) based on his working process, dominated by charcoal drawing and architectural experimentation.

À partir €7 jusqu’à €12

Homo Urbanus


A Citymatographic Odyssey by Bêka & Lemoine

À partir €7 jusqu’à €12

Saint Anthony in Advertising


24 OCT 2024 to 20 APR 2025 - The use of the image of Saint Anthony in promotional material goes hand in hand with the history of advertising in Portugal throughout the 19th and 20th centuries.

À partir €3

Vanishing Intimacies. Surrounding Nan Goldin


This exhibition has as its starting point the work The Ballad of Sexual Dependency by Nan Goldin.

À partir €7 jusqu’à €12

Fred Sandback: Threading Space


Fred Sandback: Threading Space explores the full spectrum of the renowned American artist’s work in an unprecedented solo exhibition in Portugal.




Rooms is the first solo exhibition by Anthony McCall in Portugal. Developing in a space between sculpture, cinema, drawing and performance, McCall’s work is recognised for the innovative way in which it explores these intersections.

À partir €11



In one of the most important shows of the year, MAAT presents Disco, an exhibition with more than 500 paintings by Vivian Suter – the Swiss-Argentine artist exploring the possibilities of painting, particularly its relationship with nature. 

À partir €11

Deconstructing Colonialism, Decolonising the Imaginary


The exhibition takes place in the context of the National Museum of Ethnology’s priority to study the provenance of its extra-European collections and to reflect on the colonial context in which the museum was founded.


La collection CHPR en dialogue


La collection de la Casa das Histórias Paula Rego est l'une des plus importantes pour la connaissance de l'œuvre de l'artiste.

À partir €5

331 Mûriers en Métamorphose


L’exposition 331 Mûriers en Métamorphose marque le trentième anniversaire du Museu Arpad Szenes – Vieira da Silva.


En route vers l'Infini – Vista Alegre, 200 ans de créativité


Le bicentenaire de la Fabrique Vista Alegre se commémore au Palácio Nacional da Ajuda.

À partir €7

Jean Painlevé


La première exposition de Jean Painlevé au Portugal réunit un ensemble de films, de photographies et d'objets qui proposent un voyage à travers le travail de l'une des figures les plus singulières de la culture française du XXe siècle.

À partir €4

Images du Fado dans l'art portugais


Cette exposition est un hommage à la préservation de la mémoire du Fado en tant qu'expression artistique plurielle. Elle le célèbre en tant que patrimoine vivant, doté de mémoire et d'avenir.

À partir €5