Rescaldo Festival'23

The Rescaldo Festival highlights the best of the past year’s more adventurous national music scene.

Festival Rescaldo is back to experience national creativity, among contemporary academic composition, self-taught experimentation, jazz, electronics and some unique collaborations designed exclusively for the event.

In the 13th edition, the five-day program in five different spaces emphasizes aesthetic, social and generational diversity, bringing them together to make one feel the infinite sound possibilities.

In total, Rescaldo hosts 11 unique concerts and even a workshop for children.

The performances begin at Galeria Zé Dos Bois (ZDB), continue on Thursday, for DAMAS, moving, the following day, to Teatro do Bairro Alto, then to MAAT and ending on the 19th at St. George Church.


From 15th to 19th of February; in various cultural spaces in Lisboa.

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  • MAAT - Museu de Arte, Arquitetura e TecnologiaTeatro do BairroZDB - Galeria Zé dos BoisDamasIgreja Anglicana de São Jorge
  • Da 15 feb, 2023 a 19 feb, 2023
  • Da €5 a €12