Feira da Ladra
[ dienstags und samstags ] Entdecken Sie auf dem bekanntesten Lissabonner Markt, dem "Markt der Diebin" (Flohmarkt), wahre Schätze. Hier finden Sie Originelles, Kitschiges und Vintage.
Changing the Guard
[ 3rd Sunday of the month ] At the National Palace of Belém, considered as one of the most beautiful military ceremonies of its kind in the world.
Lissabon Festen
Lisboa ist zu Beginn des Sommers ein einziges Fest – Vorwand sind die Feierlichkeiten zu Ehren der Volksheiligen.
Arraiais Populares - Lisboa on the Street
In June the city’s neighbourhoods are invaded with the aroma of grilled sardines, peppers and manjerico that is so typical of the Santos Populares celebrations.
Weddings of Saint Anthony
[ 12/06 ] The celebration of love also has a place in the Lisboa festivities, through the weddings of Saint Anthony, tradition dating from 1958.
Popular Marches - Av. Liberdade
Each year on the evening of the 12th June, the different city neighbourhoods descend the most iconic avenue.
St. Anthony's night - 12/13th June
[ 12 > 13 June ] Lisboa will be buzzing with light, colour and music in a state of permanent street partying to commemorate the Popular Saints.
Procession of Saint Anthony
[ 13th June ] The Procession of Saint Anthony, which dates from the 16th century, is now one of the oldest and most popular in the city.
O Sol da Caparica
[ August ] The Parque Urbano da Costa Caparica once again plays host to the biggest Lusophone music festival.
Festival Amadora BD
[ Oktober ] Für Comic-Freunde findet in Amadora dieses internationale Festival statt, bei dem sich Leute, die in diesem Bereich arbeiten und Autoren unterschiedlicher Nationalitäten mit dem Publikum treffen.