Changing the Guard

[ 3rd Sunday of the month ] At the National Palace of Belém, considered as one of the most beautiful military ceremonies of its kind in the world.

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The Republican National Guard (GNR - Guarda Nacional Republicana), promotes, on the third Sunday of each month, at 11:00 am, the Solemn Changing the Guard at the National Palace of Belém, which is often described as one of the most beautiful military ceremonies of its kind in the world. It is a ceremony clad with great symbolism and tradition, being carried out by the military that guarantee the permanent security to the Official Residence of the President of the Republic.

The Solemn Render of the Guard arises, returning to an old military tradition, outside the Palace, where it still takes place today. Its essence is to make known to the population the symbolism of the passing of witness between two Guards who take turns in guarding the Palace. In the ceremony, there are 160 cavalry and 4 infantry soldiers, constituting the Guards to the GNR Palace, the Music Band and the Fanfare, the Charameleiros, a Horse Squad that escorts the bearer of the Santo-e-Senha and Charanga da GNR.

The beginning of the military ceremony is announced by a trumpet suit, which performs the "royal innings". The ceremony unfolds with the Guards, at the same time, to take position in front of the palace: first that will be surrendered and soon that surrenders. After the two Guards have been formed and after the "President's trumpet call", the National Anthem is played. After this solemn act, the commanders of the Guards move to the center, greeting each other and transmitting orders or information important to the service they have finished/will perform. Then formally begins the Changing the Guard.

After approximately 1 hour of ceremonial, the public is invited to attend a performance of Charanga on horseback in Jardim Vieira Portuense, where Charanga offers the presents playing musical excerpts, simultaneously with the execution of a carousel with several evolutions, namely, the step, trotting, but also galloping, being the only Charanga on horseback in the world that acts in this progress.

Palácio de Belém

Praça Afonso de Albuquerque 1349-022 Lisboa

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