
Museu Banksy Lisbon


The Museu Banksy Lisbon arrives in Lisbon bringing Banksy’s satirical and subversive street art.

Ab €8 bis €12


MUSEU BANKSY aims to bring the artist's message to a wider audience, especially in cities where his work has not yet appeared. Art lovers in Lisbon can enjoy Banksy's street art in one place and contemplate his ideas on various political themes such as war, peace, individualism, greed, poverty, capitalism, consumerism, and hypocrisy.

The museum showcase 100 reproductions of Banksy's artwork through video installations, graffiti, canvases, projections, and murals that shed new light on many universal issues. Visitors explore through different rooms, arranged by country, traveling from the UK to France, passing by the USA, Palestine/Israel, and most recently, Ukraine, our latest addition to the collection.

A unique immersive experience offering a journey through Banksy's world.


  • Monday to Friday: From 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Saturday & Sunday: From 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. 
  • Last admission: 1 hour before the closing time

    Closed: December 25th & January 1st

    * Visit our website regarding the schedule to be applied on holidays and dates with private events.
  • 0-5 years (Child) Free
  • 6-17 years (Youngster) 9,00€
  • 18-64 years 13,00€
  • +65 years (senior) 9,00€
  • Student (18-25 y/d with valid student card) 9,00€
  • Family of 3 (2 adults + 1 youngsters) 30,00€
  • Family of 4 (2 adults + 2 youngsters) 36,00€
    “Museu Banksy Lisbon” reserves the right to update the pricing at any time.



Museu Banksy Lisboa

Rua Viriato, 25-B, 1050-234, Lisboa

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