Apartments & Hotel Apartments

Your Lisbon Flat

Your Lisbon Flat is a company dedicated to the management of short-term properties with a high quality of services.

Lisbon Tourism Member


Your Lisbon Flat is a property management company with her own properties in short term rental and with high quality of service, cleaning and laundry, design and amenities.

It is also dedicated to the management of third-party properties, with Full Management or Platform Management services.

In the first option: we take care of everything for the owners property, making the client completely unconcerned about the management of his apartment, receiving only the return on investment.

On the other hand, in a second option the management of platforms, namely we take care of all online marketing, revenue management and of the contact with the client.

  • Wi-Fi


Rua Manuel Bernardes, 3 - 1º Dto., 1200-250, Lisboa

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Additional Information

Room Type Quantity
Single ---
Double ---
Twin ---
Triple ---
Suite ---
Apartments 6
Townhouses ---
Villas ---
Total 6

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