It is legitimate to say that Pessoa would never have existed without Lisbon, or that Lisbon would not be the same without Pessoa.
A lyric poet and a nationalist, he cultivated a form of poetry that focused on traditional Portuguese themes and its yearning and nostalgic lyricism, expressing thoughts about his “inner self”, his anxieties, the solitude that assailed him and the states of tediousness he suffered.
He was born in 1888, on the fourth floor of no. 4, Largo de São Carlos, Chiado – the area where, along with Baixa and Campo de Ourique, he would spend the most important moments in his life, a fact which would be repeatedly evidenced throughout his huge oeuvre.
Pessoa did not like travelling. The exception to the rule were the nine years he spent as a child in Durban, South Africa, where his stepfather was consul. The fact that he travelled little meant that he maintained an intimate relationship with his home city. Pessoa loved Lisbon and insisted that others saw it through the same eyes as he did.
He had no interest in a university degree, having attended only two years of the Faculty of Letters. As an autodidact, he turned the National Library into his second home, absorbing books on philosophy, religion, sociology and literature.
A self-confessed loner, he devoted his life to words. He was a translator, advertising agent, editor, philosopher, playwright, essayist, astrologer... He founded Orpheu, with Mário de Sá-Carneiro, Raul Leal, Luís de Montalvor, Almada-Negreiros and the Brazilian Ronald de Carvalho.
He wandered the streets of Lisbon between offices and cafés. In one of these offices he met Ophelia, the one and only love of his life. From the café A Brasileira, where he attended long soirées, he would walk down to Praça do Comércio to dine at Martinho da Arcada.
Restlessness was a constant feature of the 47 years of Pessoa’s life. But if that were not the case, he would never have written. Fernando Pessoa and his multiple characters are more than a legacy. Rather, let us call them souls who lived and strived, but unsuccessfully, to understand the real meaning of life.
If we were to summarise Fernando Pessoa’s life in a single word, it would be “disquiet”. Anguish, restlessness and other synonyms would describe the daily life of the poet who found, in Lisbon’s nooks and crannies, the places of refuge for his strange way of life. Between cafés and offices he invented room to create the parallel life which made most sense to him.
We play at living
“Playing at living life” was the poet’s most striking achievement. The literary world called the characters he created heteronyms but of the more than 70 he invented, only four would stand out: Alberto Caeiro, Ricardo Reis, Álvaro de Campos and the semi-heteronym Bernardo Soares.
The reasons for creating these heteronyms were various (and the writer’s genius was only the most obvious). Some regard the death of his father and his brother Jorge as the catalysts. It is argued that he needed to create imaginary families due to the unravelling of his own. Besides the question of family, it is clear that he felt an intense need to see the world through the eyes of others.
A non-book written by a man who never lived
“These are my Confessions, and if in them I say nothing, it’s because I have nothing to say” – so writes Pessoa under the semi-heteronym Bernardo Soares in his introduction to The Book of Disquiet.
Pessoa began writing this book when he was 25 and would continue to do so for the rest of his life. It was a kind of maze where he sought to answer questions like “Who am I?” and “How can I explain reality?” It consists of over 500 texts without a beginning, middle or an end, just existential doubts, questions awaiting an answer and the latent disquiet of someone who never managed to understand the world.
Fernando Pessoa was not one genius but several. Often confused with the word pseudonym – where different texts are written by the same writer under different names – Pessoa’s heteronyms are very different. They reveal his great mystery and are his greatest invention.
Even though around 70 names feature in his work, only Alberto Caeiro, Ricardo Reis and Álvaro de Campo are considered heteronyms. The fourth name, Bernardo Soares, is regarded as a semi-heteronym, since his personality contains very similar characteristics to those of the author.
Who, then, are Fernando Pessoa’s heteronyms? What and how do they think? That is what we shall now look at.
Born in Lisbon in 1889, Caeiro spent his life in rural Portugal and became an orphan at a very young age, going to live with his great aunt. Despite the date given for his death, there are poems by him that date from 1919. He died of tuberculosis.
Ideals: he believes in empirical knowledge, that which can be learnt from concrete experience. An atheist, he does not question religion, indicating only that, “I only do not believe in God because I cannot see him.” He values simplicity and demonstrates his love for nature. It is more important to feel than to think.
Stylistic characteristics: the language of his poetry is simple, familiar and objective. Caeiro only went to primary school, after all.
I don’t believe in God because I’ve never seen him.
If he wanted me to believe in him,
Then surely he’d come and speak with me
He would enter by my door
Saying,” Here I am!”
Born in Tavira in 1890, the date of his death is unknown. He studied to be an engineer in Scotland but never actually worked in the profession.
There are three different phases in the life of Álvaro de Campos.
Decadent movement
Nostalgia, pessimism, a sense of the morbid… In this phase of his life, the poet journeyed to the East in search of inspiration and discovered opium. The substance became his means of “escaping reality”.
Stylistic characteristics: elements of neo-symbolism. Vaguer poetry, more suggestive imagery and a certain musicality.
I am nothing.
I shall always be nothing.
I can only want to be nothing.
Apart from this, I have in me all the dreams in the world.
Euphoria and enthusiasm caused by the technological boom. This phase differs completely from the other two. But satisfaction was temporary…
Stylistic characteristics: a torrent of stripped down free verses. Often there is no punctuation in an attempt to imitate the speed of the technological world.
By the painful light of the factory’s huge electric lamps
I write in a fever.
I write gnashing my teeth, rabid for the beauty of all this,
For this beauty completely unknown to the ancients.
Absolute denial and maximum pessimism. And rebelliousness, disgust and rage towards the world and society as a whole.
Stylistic characteristics: free verse in very colloquial, day-to-day language.
Go to hell without me,
Or let me go there by myself.
Why should we go together?
Don´t grab my arm!
Born in Porto in 1887, the date of his birth is unknown. He studied medicine and, before that, at a Jesuit school. As a monarchist, he moved to Brazil in 1919 after the establishment of the republic in Portugal (1910). A learned doctor, his life is marked by classical culture and ancient Greek and Latin philosophy.
Ideals: man is not the master of his fate and cannot alter it. He must live it serenely (carpe diem) and try to be happy doing so.
Stylistic characteristics: classical language and scholarly vocabulary. The poetry is formally structured. Mythology and an awareness of fate is very present.
Follow your destiny,
Follow your destiny,
Water your plants,
Love your roses.