National Ancient Art Museum

It houses the most relevant public collection, from the 12th to the 19th century. Painting, sculpture, silver, gold and jewellery, decorative arts – Portuguese, European, African and Oriental.

The main museum in Portugal houses the most relevant public collection, from the 12th to the 19th century.

Painting, sculpture, silver, gold and jewellery, decorative arts – Portuguese, European, African and Oriental –, including the largest number of works classified as “national treasures”.

Among them, The Panels of Saint Vicent, by Nuno Gonçalves, and the Belém Monstrance, symbols of 15th and 16th centuries Portuguese art, and notable paintings by Bosch, Memling, Dürer, Raphael or Piero della Francesca.

The museum has a magnificent garden, with restaurant, over the River Tagus.

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Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00 (last entry at 17:30).

Closed: Monday, January 1st, Easter Sunday, May 1st, June 13th, December 25th.

Adult - 10€
Junior - 50%
Senior - 50%
Family - 50%

Reduced rates and exemptions:

- Every Sunday and Holiday - free entrance for residents in Portugal;
- Children aged 12 and under;
- Unemployed EU citizens;
- Visitors with reduced mobility (> 60% disability/documented).