At Intendente, Anjos, Pena, Arroios Bairro em Festa is an event with a diverse programme and which gives voice to intercultural tradition.
Bairro em Festa
Intendente, Anjos, Pena, Arroios
Bairro em Festa remains faithful to its purpose: culture as an engine for the development and the social inclusion of this widely diverse territory.
The vertebral column - Almirante Reis Av. - supports the vital organs of this area of the city: the neighbourhoods of Intendente, Anjos, Pena and Arroios.
Several spaces of these neighbourhoods host initiatives that include concerts, shows and workshops for families, exhibitions, installations, cinema, debates, visits, routes and an art fair, in a programme that a collective of about 25 local entities and almost 200 cultural workers offer to the community.
Bairro em Festa
Free entry, with limited capacity
Subject to prior reservation through