Castelo de São Jorge

Given its outstanding location, a highlight of the Castelo de São Jorge is its many viewpoints affording majestic and unparalleled views of Lisbon.

Built in the mid-11th century, this fortification still retains eleven towers displaying various architectural features characteristic of military fortifications from the Moorish period.

The steps leading up the sides of the curtain walls provide access to the ramparts and towers enabling visitors to explore the entire perimeter.


See also:

Castle Museum


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Summer Schedule (Mar – Oct)
Every Day - 9:00 > 21:00
Last entry - 20:30

Winter Schedule (Nov – Feb)
Every Day - 9:00 > 18:00
Last entry - 17:30
On December 31st, Castelo de S. Jorge closes at 1pm.
Closed: 1st January, 1st May. 24th and 25th of December.

Children (0 - 12 Years) - 0.00€
Youngster (13-25 Years) - 7.50€
Adult (+26 Years) - 15.00€
Senior (+65 Years) - 12.50€
Person with disability and deaf - 12.50€
Accompanying disabled person - 0.00€

Free entry with Lisboa Card Children, only up to 12 years old